How it all began

We have created over 20 brand new plays (and counting!), written by Pete Talbot, all of which in some specific way speak to community life, that is not only in the settings & stories, but about who we are, how we became what we are & how we find ways to live together.
They are all comedies and sometimes the comedy is enough, but comedy is often about ‘somebody else’s tragedy’ and finding ways of coming close to sadness, feeling it and then releasing the audience from the tension of that through laughter, drives our plays. Tears and laughter have the same reflex mechanism; the only difference is the trigger point – and we try to work with that, especially with the traditional character Fosca (Death), who frequently arrives, uninvited, in our plays, dances his tango & takes characters away to the sound of laughter.

The Shakespeare Phase
The Comedy of Errors (1999)
Two Gentlemen of Verona (2000)
Twelfth Night (2001)
New work
The Comedy of Babi Babbett (2002)
The Wife of Bath (2003)
The Odyssey (2004)
The Fairy Queen (2005)
The Gold Rush (2006)
Five Get Famous (2007)
Noah Babel’s Ark (2008)
The Musicians of Bremen (2008 & 2010)
Mother Sweetapple (2009)
Ik’r’us Inc (2010)
Gentle Harry’s Farm (2011)
Who Saw Marjory Daw? (2012)
The Dressing Book (2012)
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Cat (2013)
Harlequin Goes to the Moon (2013)
Macbyrd (2016)
The Commercial Traveller (2017)
Little Lily Harley (2020/2021)
Gods & Dogs (2022)
Miss Popplewell's Garden (2023)
Revivals & New Adaptions
The Wife (2014)
The Comedy of Babi Babbett (2015)
Oberon’s Cure (2018)
Ikarus Inc (2019)
The Dressing Book (2024)